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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Android v2.5.34 & iOS v2.5.34 Update Release: Improving Generators & Fixing Store Bugs

Hi y'all,

We're having an extremely busy schedule as we get used to releasing simultaneous updates for both Android and iOS. The releases should be available soon after this post.

Let's get to what's new on the updates:
  1. Fixed a bug that failed to unlock Starter Set.
  2. Fixed a bug where a duplicate file was created for the store credentials.
  3. Fixed a bug where the Round Room Generator had a broken connection algorithm.
  4. Fixed the bug where a locked item was not storing the currently selected item.
  5. Fixed the bug where pop-up windows buttons were not working as intended.
  6. Removed the Restore Purchases button for Android users only. Purchases will restore properly by themselves from now on. (If they don't please e-mail us here.)
  7. Improved the Rocky Hill Generator with new parameters and fixed parameters that didn't scale correctly to the size of the map.
  8. Feel free to find a more detailed log here: Android iOS.
Here's a bonus gif of the updated Rocky Hill Generator.

If you like this gif you can take a look at Eylul's blog here where she walks you through her progress in improving the Rocky Hill Generator and more!

Finally a big thanks to our users Andrea, Francesco and Wilson for supplying detailed reports on various bugs.

Monday, October 2, 2017

ProDnD v2.5.29 incoming for ANDROID

Hi everyone,
We have been working hard for the last couple of months, and finalized a bunch of new features. The list is as follows:

  • Added line, triangle and spray drawing tools.
  • Implemented store persistence logic.
  • Updated analytics. 
  • Analytics now will work if users approve it.
  • Fixed a bug where accessing the store in offline mode was causing the app to crash.
  • Fixed an issue where the non-encrypted store history file was not deleted.
  • Dialogue text typos fixed.
  • Updated various UI panels.
  • Changed the splash screen

We hope to keep updates more frequent in the upcoming season. Watch out for holiday specials, our favorite time of the year to share the joy of RPG'ing with family and friends.